Ridin’ With Kamala
Ridin’ With KamalaThe ViP Kamala Harris Turnabout The ViP KHT Is open for business. No tolls, free to use. Come visit at the end of Wildfield Dr., West of 16th Street, North[...]
The ViP Kamala Harris Turnabout The ViP KHT Is open for business. No tolls, free to use. Come visit at the end of Wildfield Dr., West of 16th Street, North[...]
Kamala really did take one for the team. Seriously.[...]
I’m searching for one. I gotta Grieve first.[...]
Dear Reader, Centuries ago, the American colonists making a new way of life on this continent found themselves subject to restrictions on free speech that dated back to medieval England.[...]
Omega Glory, Star Trek the Original Series S2.E23; This is a very underrated episode. It so fits for today. It’s up to you.[...]
Russia Suspected of Plotting to Send Incendiary Devices on U.S.-Bound Planes Two devices that ignited in Europe, officials say, were part of a covert operation to put them on cargo[...]